Earn cashback on every purchase made through our links! Simply click our link to your chosen store, make a purchase, and receive 2% (new customers only) of your spending back to your cryptocurrency wallet. You can even use external promo codes; just make sure the last click before your purchase is through the button on this page to ensure cashback eligibility. Once your purchase is complete, fill out the cashback request form below, and we'll process your payment within 21 days—one of the fastest payout times in the industry! The minimum payout is $100 in total purchases. For any questions, feel free to reach out at info@promo-hunters.com. amazing results, and trusted experiences that are as useful as they are memorable. Let's do great things together. We can't wait to work with you.
Kinguin Cashback is a program that allows you to earn a percentage of your purchase back when shopping through a referral link while using additional discounts.
Make a purchase via our referral link, submit your order details, and receive your cashback in cryptocurrency within 21 days.
Purchase through our link, send a screenshot of your order, and receive a percentage of the total amount back.
The cashback percentage varies depending on the product category and promotions, usually ranging from 2%.
Yes, unless the discount code invalidates cashback eligibility.
Cashback is processed and paid out 21 days after order confirmation.
Currently, cashback payments are made exclusively in cryptocurrency.
Contact our support team and provide your order details for an update on your cashback status.